Tag Archives: COPPA

Likely to be Accessed: Do You Know Who Your Users Are?

Join us for this episode of Priv, where our host Dona Fraser, Senior Vice President of Privacy Initiatives at BBB National Programs, is joined by Phyllis Marcus of Hunton Andrews Kurth to discuss the broad operational, financial, and logistical impacts and challenges of trying to protect both children and teens online under the same laws and regulations. 

Marcus and Fraser explain the current regulatory landscape and unpack the evolution of children’s privacy laws, including COPPA. They discuss the increasing number of legislative proposals at both the state and federal level and explore challenges businesses face today related to verifiable parental consent, examine proposed technological solutions like biometrics, and discuss the responsibility of third-party operators. 

The conversation includes a look at age-appropriate design codes and the shifting responsibility from parents to the entire ecosystem, as well as, third-party liability and the role platforms play in protecting children’s privacy. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the potential future of children’s privacy laws.

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Key Takeaways:

  • (02:41) Children’s Privacy Landscape – Children’s privacy laws, such as COPPA, have evolved over time to address the challenges posed by new technologies and online platforms.
  • (06:30) Shifting Responsibility – The responsibility for protecting children’s privacy is shifting from parents to the entire ecosystem, including platforms and service providers.
  • (13:17) Verifiable Parental Consent – Verifiable parental consent is a key consideration for companies that collect personal information from children, and there are various mechanisms available to obtain consent.
  • (20:30) Third-Party Liability – Third-party liability is an important aspect of children’s privacy laws, holding not just first-party operators but also third parties accountable for compliance.
  • (32:23) Holding Platforms Accountable – The role of platforms in protecting children’s privacy is still evolving, with discussions around consent management and the sharing of age information.
  • (39:39) A Look to the Future – The future of children’s privacy laws is uncertain, with potential updates to COPPA and ongoing debates about the role of federal and state legislation.

Episode Show Notes: COPPA Questions: Are Safe Harbors Effective?


In this episode of Accountability Studio, Mamie Kresses, Vice President of the BBB National Programs Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), moderated a discussion on Safe Harbor with special guests. Sheila Millar, a partner at Keller and Heckman, and Daniel Kaufman, partner at the law firm Baker Hostetler joined this episode to engage in an in-depth discussion on Safe Harbor and CARU. Continue reading Episode Show Notes: COPPA Questions: Are Safe Harbors Effective?

Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number. Or is it?

Certain online platforms are required by COPPA law to screen users’ age. Is your platform one that should be? What are the specifics mandated by this law? Find out how this multi-faceted regulation affects your business as we explore this topic with Dona Fraser, VP, and Angela Tiffin, Senior Attorney at the BBB NP’s Children’s Advertising Review Unit.

COPPA is Changing, Is Your Business Ready?

Are you a business owner that caters to children? It is imperative to stay up-to-date on the latest laws protecting children in advertising. Dona Fraser, Vice President of CARU takes us through the changing landscape of COPPA laws relating to this trending topic. Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking conversation.

FTC Signals an Alarm on Children Advertising

The world of technology has changed, and its time that COPPA change along with it. In this episode, Dona Fraser, Vice President of the Children Advertising Review Unit shares how she envisions COPPA evolving to meet the arising needs that our endless transforming digital environment brings.